
zaterdag 2 juli 2011


Sorry dat ik gisteren niet blogte. Ik was met schoolreis en had daarna volleybaltrainingen.Hier een intervieuw met zanger Jim..

Me: We have 2day a interview Jim. A Singer! Olala!

Jim: Ask a lot of, what you want
Me: Ok, let's begin!

nederlands (dutch)

Me:Jim, do you like interviews'?
Jim: I like some interviews', only interviews' without ''cool, or funny'' questions are BoringggG.
Me:And do you hear from Stardoll?
Jim; Ofcourse! My niece has Stardoll!
Me: I ask of she like it..
Jim: Yea! Sure!!
Me: And... what is you biggest blooper??
Jim:When I was about 11, we had to get new clothes. I had found a good pants and I wanted to go after my mother. But it was a different person! All who had pimples on the face, scary!
Me; Haha.. And youre second best blooper?
Jim:We went on vacation and I said I knew all we had to post instead of Croatia and we were almost traveled to Sydney and Miami!
Me; Oh no Jim! Think good, Think posotive!
Jim: I dóoo!
Me: And have you questions about this blog?!! Ask on my Stardoll Account Seylinsisistar!

Jim and Me: Bye!!

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